Defending Our Fathers House
DEFENDING OUR FATHERS HOUSE (DOFH) recognizes that marriage unites a man and a woman with each other and any children born from their union.
Children have a fundamental, natural right to know and be cared for by mother and father, as far as is possible. This right, by virtue of children’s vulnerability, dependency, and unique needs for survival and success, requires institutional safeguards that optimally protect the relationships of mother and father to each other and to their child(ren) so that they may best serve those needs and thrive as a family.
We invite you to join us in defending institutional marriage, children, spouses, and parents by first educating yourself, family members, and others about the issues concerning marriage. Strong, healthy marriages provide the vital foundation for families, neighborhoods, communities and nations. We ask you to invest your unique gifts, time and resources with us and other marriage advocates to establish the legal and institutional integrity of marriage, parenthood, and family life.
Please tell us how you would like to join this effort to defend marriage, family, and children.
PopularCardinal Kasper’s Challenge Distracts from the Real Problem
by MikeRoss | Oct 7, 2014 | Defending Our Fathers House | 0 |
STEPHEN BASKERVILLE As the Synod of Bishops on the Family convenes this week, the Catholic Church...
Ultimate Purpose
by MikeRoss | Mar 15, 2012 | Defending Our Fathers House | 0 |
American Women Are Having Fewer Children Than They’d Like
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ANALYSIS: Strong Families, Strong Society
by MikeRoss | Nov 8, 2015 | Defending Our Fathers House | 0 |
LatestAmerican Women Are Having Fewer Children Than They’d Like
by MikeRoss | Feb 13, 2018 | Defending Our Fathers House | 0 |
Forecasts show many millennial women won’t fulfill their wishes on family size, and the biggest...
by MikeRoss | May 10, 2016 | Defending Our Fathers House | 0 |
ANALYSIS: Strong Families, Strong Society
by MikeRoss | Nov 8, 2015 | Defending Our Fathers House | 0 |

American Women Are Having Fewer Children...

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Ultimate Purpose

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